Build a REST API with Node.js SQLite and Express JS

In this guide you can build a REST API with Node.js SQLite and Express.js. Then, in a next part, we will be building automated Unit tests using Mocha and Chai, ready for a Test-Driven Development (TDD).

The main components of this REST service are:

  • A Node.js base project, created as a NPM module
  • An Express.js web server to manage the API endpoints, requests and responses
  • A SQLite database for application storage

Continue reading “Build a REST API with Node.js SQLite and Express JS”

Using Node.js and Npm packages

Otherwise, After starting with Git, GitHub, and open source projects, you will find a lot of projects using Node.js and Npm packages. Node.js is not only a tool to create web application backends. Also, is used as a development platform for large scale projects to manage dependencies and  perform operations in the project lifecycle. His companion, Npm, is a package manager to make available a large ecosystem of modules and functionalities used in the development stage, in the project itself and in the development pipeline.

Continue reading “Using Node.js and Npm packages”